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segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

The Biblical Healing Message


This is the message which I call the Biblical Healing Message.

When we pray for healing, in practically all religions, the common form and traditional way to do it is by asking God to heal us or someone we love.

If someone has already prayed for you it is very likely that you have received this type of prayer: someone asking God to heal you.

And thus we argue with a distant God, trying to convince Him, as if He didn´t know that His beloved little boy or girl (you) needs a cure.

But when we think about Him as our Daddy, how many times do you need to ask a father to heal his own son or daughter?

Do you know that in the Bible, the documented will of our Father for us, He makes very clear a path for those who need a miracle of healing? I say this literally! A Biblical path that you just make and reach the destination: your miracle.

And I will not be surprised if you receive the cure while reading this book... because God is looking at you now, while you put in Him your faith and your hope, even if you do it by reading a simple web book. 

Thanks a lot for for reading this book and please forgive any mistakes in my English. I was born in Brazil and this book was originally written in Portuguese.

God bless you and your family!

Evangelist Joao Marcelo
Sao Paulo – SP - Brazil

I would like to begin talking about 4 beautiful cases where the person has received the same Biblical Healing Message and received a miracle even in extremely serious health conditions.


On a Sunday night someone called me on the phone asking me to pray for a girl called Sabrina, because her health condition was very serious.

I explained that it is not about my prayers, because there is nothing special in me or in my prayer. I would need to transmit the message for her and then add my faith, believing together for her healing.

Sabrina, a 15 years old girl, fought during one year against a lung cancer, also in the bones of the column and the spinal cord. In that day the cancer had spread apart so that she could not breathe.

She was taken to a hospital and knocked out there hospitalized and ducted. Then she had complete bankruptcy of organs and brain death.

The doctors have said that Sabrina would live no more than  8 hours, which would be exactly at  8 o´clock the next morning.

I got Patricia´s phone, Patricia is Sabrina´s mother. And I phoned her little after midnight. A desperate mother. She was in her house without knowing what to do. Had entrusted in God, but it seemed He had not heard and not answered her prayers.

Then I started to transmit to her the Biblical Healing Message, by telephone. When I finished she told me: "That’s how a miracle of healing happens?  I will take my bath and go to sleep, because tomorrow I will see my daughter healed”.

Then I asked about Sabrina´s father. He was at the hospital with her and I went there to take the same message to him also.

When I walked in that not very sophisticated, in truth not even clean hospital room, Sabrina was lying on the bed, white, lean, bald. And the father, named Elmi, with eye-popping looking at his daughter...

                                                 He took this picture that night

I asked: "What happened?" he pointed to the daughter and I looked and saw... the holster urine was full! But how, in the face of a framework of complete bankruptcy of organs? The bladder, the kidneys have been restored to life!

Then he said to me "Patricia telephoned and said to me that Sabrina is healed, and then she urinated". Then I shared the same message with him and he said "She is really healed! Now I understand!"

Of course I would like to see her waking up at that time, but only God knows how much time, how much power He will use in each situation... I asked her father if he wished that I stay with him, but he said to me "I will go to sleep, I want to rest and be awaken when she wakes up. Go to your home, I'll call you".

I arrived at home at 6 o´clock that morning... and at 9 o´clock the phone rang... Sabrina woke up! Simply sat in bed and they had to remove the tubes from her, because she was breathing!

They sent her for a full and detailed examination and... the cancer disappeared! One more week at the hospital doing medical examination and she finally returned home completely healed!

Sabrina and me, One year after her healing

With Sabrina, her mother Patricia and her father Elmi

I just cry every time I see this pictures!


Myrella had a big tumor just close to her heart! The doctors said they cannot do anything else, she will live no more than a few weeks.

Myrella´s mother received the Biblical Healing Message late that night, when she was with her very sick daughter at an ICU. Next morning she would have her little body examined again.

And the doctors just could not believe in the results! Myrella was healed! 

The tumor just disappeared, blood tests and every test available was made just to confirm: Myrella had no more cancer!


Gisele is a young mother of 2 small children, resident at the city of Brasilia, about 1,000 km from here where I live (São Paulo). She  had an extremely aggressive cancer. Several bones and several organs, practically in her whole body.

Maximum life span, with all possible treatment, was of 1 year.

In accordance with friends we have in common I was able to transmit the Biblical Healing Message for Gisele by Skype.

The fact is that after receiving and directing her faith to the biblical path, she repeated the resonance and did all the blood tests that confirmed: the cancer had disappeared!


Victoria, an 8 years old girl, was born with an infection in the left eye and this infection was never healed.

At the time I was with her and her mother, the cornea of Victoria was completely destroyed and she had medical indication for cornea transplantation. 

She could not see anything with this eye and the doctor has described her pain as if there were 1000 grains of sand into her eye.

They received the Biblical Healing Message and believed. After the message it would be the moment when we believe together in prayer, but Victoria interrupted by saying: "It hurts no more and I can see everything". 

We did all tests and she was really seeing well! We prayed only thanking God.

Then I advised the mother to return to the same doctor, to have her eye examined again, because a true miracle of healing is not “positive thinking”, is not an illusion! 

On the contrary, can and must be fully confirmed by medicine!

And the following day Victoria and her mother heard the doctor, amazed, saying: "I do not know to explain, but there is a new cornea in the eye of your daughter!"

Yes! God makes corneas! God has made all corneas that exist! And if He has not forgotten how to do it... He can do one more! Or a bone, a heart... anything that you may need!


When we talk about the beautiful miracles that Sabrina, Myrella, Gisele and Victoria received, maybe you will have the impression that they are special people, chosen by the Lord, who perhaps have deserved a special attention from our Father who is in heaven for some reason... but I can tell, they are not!

They only had channeled their faith to the biblical path. If you make the same path you arrive in the same destination! Today I know hundreds of people healed of various illnesses, both physical and mental!

And now, even by reading a book, it is your turn. From this point on I will tell you exactly the same message that all these people have received.

And I believe that in a few minutes you can say the same as Sabrina´s mother said... "That’s how a miracle of healing happens? I am healed!"

The message is quite simple, just 3 steps.

First step: God has the power to heal you

See that now we are no longer talking about medicine or science, we are talking about love and about the power of an almighty God who happens to be your Daddy.

God uses science, uses good doctors, good researchers, good health professionals. But God does not only have them to use!

There was a time in which science could not heal a cold.

Therefore, I do not know what the doctors told you... if the they can heal you, if they can´t, if it is easy or difficult, cheap or very expensive, fast or time consuming. We are talking about a God who has the power to heal you, simple by touching you!

The problem is that when we think about receiving a miracle of healing we always think about it as in winning the lottery. I do not know how it works there in your country, but here in Brazil people bet and then who had chosen the right numbers receives an award millionaire.

Then we all know that the lottery and other kinds of games like that exist. That the prize money exists. That whoever wins becomes a very happy person. 

However, who wins is never me and is never you!

But receiving a miracle of healing sounds like something so! The miracle exists, many people received, but when we need, it seems that whoever wins is never me and is never you! 

But I tell you that yes, the miracle of healing is for every one that makes the biblical path! And you are already doing it at this moment!

Receiving a miracle of healing is just like going to a Pharmacy to buy a medication: you make the right path, goes to the right pharmacy and there you will find the remedy that you need.

And why people do think that only the chosen ones are healed?

When Jesus was here as a man He had 2 main ways of healing.

At first He healed whom He wanted, when He wanted, if He wanted, according to His purpose. Being God He does whatever He wants, when He wants and if He wants, right?

There was a place called "tank Beth-zatha" where there were gathered hundreds of sick people, believing that an angel stirred the waters from time to time and the first one to jump into the water would be healed.

Then comes Jesus and asked a question to a cripled man... "Do you want to be healed?" and he answered "Yes Lord, but I can't walk and I am never the first to jump into the water. I have already been here for 38 years!" And Jesus says: "arise and walk" and he simply arised and started walking perfectly.

And Jesus was with hundreds of sick people, but healed only one and went away? He certainly saw the faith of that man who persevered for 38 years! Certainly He had His purposes in this cure. 

But many conclude that He heals only the chosen ones because of what He did that day. But this idea is wrong, because Jesus had a second form of healing. He healed all who asked Him for a cure!

See, He healed whom He wanted, if He wanted, for a purpose, and He healed all that went to Him in search of a healing.

In which of the two situations are you right now? You are seeking for your healing in Jesus!

Then you could think...  it would be good if we were there in Jerusalem, 2000 years ago! We would be able to go to Jesus and receive a miracle!

But see, Jesus is alive today! He is risen!

And would He heal you, 2000 years later? Does He continue to heal everyone who goes to Him?

The Bible says: "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever".
He cannot change!

Then you are now in the following situation: Jesus healed all that asked Him. Jesus is alive. Jesus continues healing all that go to Him. And you are going to Jesus in search of your healing!

Even by reading a book! He is looking at you right now! He knows that you are seeking for Him!

That is why I am sure that you will be healed!

And here we concluded our first step: God has the power to heal you and healing is for you today!

Are you ready for the second step? Here we will and help you understand more about  what is a disease, what is a miracle of healing... our goal now is to remove all obstacles that may separate you from your healing!


This is a strong assertion... how can I say what God wants? Who am I to say what the Lord wants? 

I am a son of God and I have, in the Bible, my Daddy´s documented will. I know what Daddy wants! And He wants to heal you today!

In this second step, alow me to prove it to you.

You have already heard those kind of prayers like "Lord, if it is your will, heal this person", right? I believe that people had prayed prayers for you like that.

Have you ever heard that God can send or allow a disease for you to go to a church or to pray more? 

Maybe someone told you that God sent a disease to teach you a lesson... I have heard several times within a hospital people saying "now I learned the value of life, now I understand how precious is my family". And they believe that God sent the disease to teach this type of lesson!

Or maybe someone told you that God can send the disease to punish ou because you have sinned, or to redeem a karma. 

Some people believe that he or she does not deserve the healing because failed in some of these situations... once upon a time I heard a man saying something like that "I have never prayed before and now I will do it to ask God for a miracle... I do not believe that I deserve it!"

But I tell you clearly: God does not send diseases nor for you go to the Church, nor to you pray more, nor to teach you any lesson and nor to punish you because you have sinned.

And now, please permit me to prove you these things I just wrote!

I want to ask you a question and ask you to answer: yes or no.

Did God ever made a mistake?

No! Of course not! God has made everything so perfect! 

Did God fail when He made the lungs of Sabrina? God overlooked lungs with only 15 years validity to His beloved girl? Of course not!

And when God made Gisele, did He make a mistake in the cells of her body, that have become carcinogenic before 30 years of age? Of course not!

And about Victoria, who was born with an infection in the left eye? Did God made a mistake when He created the left eye of Victoria? Of course not!

And when God made YOU, or someone you love who needs a healing today, did He make any mistake? No! Of course not!

It is written in the Bible: "God made man (and woman)  according to His own image”, right?

Do you know what does it mean? 

God did a very, very beautiful job when he created the world. So many things beautiful! But what is the best, the perfection in God´s creation?

A beautiful mountain full of snow? A sunset at a Caribbean beach?  A wonderful flowered garden?


The perfection of God´s creation, the only time that he really created something beautiful as He is, the best that He had to give... It was when He made YOU!

YOU are the most perfect creation of God!

And do you know the reason why He created you just like him?

Many times we repeat the prayer which Jesus taught us. "...Thy will be done on earth as in heaven...".

But who of us really understand what we are saying? God's will be done here on earth as it is there in heaven!

And how it looks like there in heaven?

Are there diseases in heaven? Has God any disease? Has Jesus? And what about the Holy Spirit? Angels?

But here on earth you have a disease!

Then we could pray now and say "Father, your will is not being done here on earth as in heaven! You made your son or daughter so perfect, equal to you, Lord but now he or she has a disease! Father, your will is NOT being done!"

I do not know what is your job profession. But I believe that if you have a job done and there is a mistake in your work, you just want to fix it, right?
And God, your Daddy, made you just perfect. Not a single mistake!

He made perfection when He made you. But now he looks at you and sees His most perfect creation with a mistake! And how does He do to fix it up?

God wants to heal you today!

But perhaps you can say, "I was not born with this disease". So we returned to those situations in which people believe that God could send a disease for you to go to the Church, pray more, learn a lesson, be punished for a sin...

I will prove thee now that all this is a lie! The single will of God in your life is to heal you!

Imagine that you have a 16 years old son. It is Saturday night and he says to you "Father, mother, I will go out with my friends". You are concerned, but you say to him "you can go, but be back home at maximum midnight".

And then it is midnight and he does not come back home. After an hour, two hours... he does not answer to the phone, nor returns home. You are concerned, right? You would prefer that he had not gone out, you would prefer that he was at home with you, right?

But would you send a disease for your own son, preferring he at home with pain, suffering instead of being out with friends?

Of course not! Neither do I!

Do you know what the Bible says about this? "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father, who is in heaven give good things to those".

Then how can people believe that God would send a disease for someone to go in the Church, which is His house?

Imagine that you want to talk to your son, but he does not stop running… would you break his legs to make him stop and talk to you?

What an absurd idea!

However, it would be even more absurd to believe that God would send a disease for you pray more, because to pray is to talk to Him! 

But I have already listened to sick people saying that when at a hospital they finally had time to return to God, pray more, because before, living a busy life, they never had this time!

How do you educate your children? With affection, love, with your example. With school lessons, music, sports, other languages classes... but have you ever seen a father sending a disease to teach a lesson to his own son?

We all have lessons to teach to our children. And God has lessons to teach us. But never by sending diseases!

The same applies to punishing a sin. Imagine that your son is kidding and break an expensive object at your home. Will he receive a punishment? Probably yes! But not a disease!

Have you ever seen a father sending a disease to punish his son? However people accuse God who is good, saying and believing that He does this kind of things!

God made no mistake when He made you.  God sent you no disease!

If a disease was God´s will we could not go to the doctor, nor take medications, nor pray! Or we would be rebels against God!

Where did this disease come from?

I will make you a few more questions...

Who created love, the good one or the evil one? 
The good one!

Who created the family, the good one or the evil one? 
The good one!

Who created friendship, the good one or the evil one? 
The good one!

And who created disease, the good one or the evil one? 
The evil one did it!

Jesus said "the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I came that you may have life and life more abundant".

Are you being stolen? Your dreams are being destroyed? The doctor said that this disease cannot be healed?

Certainly you already thought... how God could do this to me? To that person whom I love so muchNo, God would not do that to you! But the one who is the enemy of God... the one who came to steal, kill and destroy, he could do such wickedness!

At this moment we identify the origin of this disease in your life! A bad thing, made by him who is bad!

And why does the devil put diseases in people?

The devil is the enemy of God, right? But the devil cannot touch God. 

He cannot hurt God! But he found a way to injure the heart of a father... injuring His children! Touching God´s beloved son or daughter! He hurts God´s heart when he hurts you!

But I have good news for you!

Do you know what the Bible says? "Jesus came to break up the works of the devil" including diseases! And today you'll understand exactly what does it means!

You may ask me: why God allows the devil to exist? If he only comes to steal, kill and destroy God´s children?

I can explain it to you in a very simple way. When God created the world He has not done something static as a picture or a drawing. If God had done the world like that, he would be perfect, just like He created it, until today.

But God made the world with motion. And what is necessary to give movement to this world? Our free will! And how we could have free will if there wasn´t  the other side to choose between the good and the bad?

Can you see how God, your Daddy, feels as He looks at you right now?

God did no mistake when He made you!

God has never sent diseases to you!

God does not like to see His enemy touching you, His beloved little son or daughter!

And what God needs to do to put an end to this situation? God heals you!

We are now going to the third step, when you will know exactly how He will heal you. Are you ready

Step 1 - God has the power to heal you!
Step 2 - God wants to heal you today!

And now you could say... "If God has the power to heal me and He wants to do it today, then I am ready! Let´s do it!”

We could pray now by saying something like this... If you can, read it in a loud voice:

"Daddy, thank you because You have the power to heal me. Thank you because today, I understand that you made no mistake when you made me, when you made this person that I love. On the contrary, you made me perfect as You are perfect, because I am made according to Your image and likeness. Thank you because it was not you who sent me this disease and now I am ready to receive my healing, please heal me!"

But do you know what He will respond if we say "please heal me?"

He would say the following: "My dear Son, My dear daughter, I have already made My part, I have already made the healing that you need, but you did not receive it yet!"

Then we are at the third step:

Third step: God has already healed you, but you have not received it YET!

Notice how this changes everything! We cease to pray asking for your healing to a God who is distant in heaven, who perhaps wantes to heal you, perhaps wants not. We cease to pray for a God trying to argue with Him and convince Him to heal you. 

Now we are talking to your Daddy, which has already arranged a cure and everything we need to ask him now is to help us receiving it!

Now this is important: this is not positive thinking!

The fact is that yes, God had already made your healing, but you have not received it yet! 

And what do you need to do to receive?

The first thing you have to do is to understand HOW He had already healed you or the one that you love.

The second thing you have to know is WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO to receive your healing. And you will receive it in a few minutes, even when you are just reading a book!

From now on we will change the subject for a few paragraphs. I will talk about other things. But after that you will understand that what I am going to tell you now is a very important key for you to receive, in a few minutes, your healing.

God is good, but we are not. And more, God is righteous!

And how difficult it is to be good and fair at the same time!

God is love and He loves us so much! No matter who we are or what we do, He, being our Daddy, simply loves us very much.

But at the same time, He is righteous, indeed, He is justice itself!

And what is to be a fair God? Being fair is to punish him who is guilty and do not punish him who is innocent! Justice cannot forgive! 

Justice needs to collect the punishment equivalent to the error committed!

If the person commits a crime and handle several years in prision, he cannot simply ask for forgiveness and then the punishment simply disappears. On the contrary, he will have to complete the time of punishment until justice is satisfied, right?

Can you see the size of the problem that God had in His hands? Being good and fair at the same time!

In a few minutes you will understand why I am writing this to you right now.

I just need to tell you a story, my story. This is a story of many errors, a very ugly story. But I am sharing this with you because it will really help you understanding how you will receive your healing miracle and I am humiliating myself because I want you to know that the greatest desire of my heart is to see you completely healed!

How could God be good and fair with me? Being good, He always loved me, but being fair, He needed to punish and punish me very severely.

Today, as I writte this book, I am 43 years old. Untill I was 39, my world, my life was just about me and me alone.

I did not want to know God, nor Jesus, nor to pray. I did not help people in their needs.

I was a very good and award-winning advertising man. The awards that I won made me feel more intelligent and more creative than other people.

Of course it is nothing wrong in being good in a profession. But there were countless pitfalls of vanity and I confess: I fell into them all!

I felt like I was really more intelligent  than other people. If someone had some financial difficulty I devalued the person who, after all, was not as smart as I was... And God was looking at me...  and my account with Him began to grow!

At the same time, I was also a champion in the sport of bodybuilding. I had awards that said that I was also stronger, or physically superior to other people. Again, there is nothing wrong in being good in a sport, but the pitfalls of vanity were even higher! And I fell in all of them again!

I really believed I was more intelligent and stronger than other people... If someone was sick I thought that the person had not a superior physical condition as mine!

Shame on me!

And my account with God began to get really big! But the situation has deteriorated further...

I got married several times and all of them ended in divorce. Guess who was guilty? Myself in each and every situation! I did not give value to other people, did not respect anyone.

I committed adultery in all times, I was guilty of the destruction of many families. And God was just looking at me... and He saw me hurting His daughters!

The Bible says that we must honor our Father and our Mother.

But, you know, the example my father always gave me and gives me now was nothing like this bad life I lived! I did not honor his example! My mother was always reproaching me and do you know what I used to say to her? 

I told her that these things only serve for normal people, not for a champion like me. Again, shame on me!

And God was looking at me. And my account with Him getting bigger every day and by this time, impossible to pay!

I have 3 children, with 3 different mothers! Women raising their children without a husband at home. Children, my own children, growing up without  their father at home!

The fact is that I received God´s free will and I decided to choose the wrong path, many, many times.

The fact is that I messed up with the lives of many people as a result of my wrong decisions.

The fact is that my account with God was so expensive that I could no longer pay!

He loves me, He always loved me. But He, being fair, needed to collect punishments which I myself have begotten with my mistakes.

And when my account was really high, my punishment was a death sentence.

And honestly I was going to die without paying for 90% of my mistakes.

I know how I would die. I know when it would be. And it would have being perfectly fair!

I arrived at the edge of the precipice. It was the last day. Do you know what happened that day?

God did not punish me!

But how could God let escape a person like me without punishment? How could God be considered fair after not charging my debt?

And you will understand it in a few minutes the reason why I am saying this to you. This is an important key for you to understand how your healing will happen today!

God did not punish me! And more! He gave me a wife and my third son!

A man who never valued his own family, neither the family of other people, a man who was sentenced to death, now is alive and have a happy family?

Yes, He gave me a family.

And more... I have seen and lived situations that most people could not even dream about. The healing of Sabrina, Gisele, Victoria and hundreds of others!

I have seen a 11 years old  boy, who walked with crutches throwing the crutches away and started running perfectly! And even better than this: it was my 8 years old soon who prayed for his healing!  

I don´t even deserve to be alive! And God gives me the happiest life in this world! 

Why? How?

In that last day, when God would weigh his hand upon me, Jesus placed himself between God and me and said something like this:

 "Father, if you need to collect his debt, I pay the price in his place, because he cannot pay for it". And Jesus came and died on the cross for me.

I don´t know if you are like me, but in my entire life there was always someone to tell me "Jesus loves you". And I thought... "He has to love me because He is God, but I do not love Him, I am not a member of this religion". 

And they said to me "Jesus died for your sins". And I could not understand this.

But then I knew: I have accumulated a great debt with God. My sentence was death. When Jesus came to pay the penalty in my place, because God needed to satisfy His justice, Jesus died.

That day I thought something like this: "God, then my debt is paid? If my debt is paid, then I do not need to pay it anymore!"

And my life changed radically, a family, a new life, completely different. It changed to the point of abandoning my advertising job to live only praying for the healing of the sick.

And what about YOUR healing?

I receive a great healing, not in my body, but in my life. And what I learned is very important to help you. It will really show you the way to your healing!

There is something I have to confess to you. It was very difficult to understand how Jesus dying on a cross for some hours would be enough to pay for my sins. And to pay for everybody sins! It seemed to me that even if I was the one killed on that cross it will not be enough to pay for 10% of my sins!

Do you know how did a person die on a cross those days?

When a nail is placed between the handheld and the wrist, a nerve which is connected to the lung is pressed. As a result, the person cannot breathe and dies, drowned out of water.

The only way to breathe is to raise the body to loosen the tension of the hand with nail, but how to do it when there is also a nail in feet? And so the person keeps on lifting up to catch a short breath and falling again and again and again, until, without forces, dies drowned.

And I confess that I felt that it was not enough to pay for my sins. I deserved something even worse than that! How could Jesus pay not only for my sins, but also for the sins of all other people in this world, in every generation?

What else happened on that cross?

I have to tell you that I had an immense tightening in my heart. I felt so much guilt, like a big weight in my conscience. And when I understood that Jesus had paid in my place, the guilt simply vanished! Immediately I felt a great relief, a great lightness of heart!

But then I understood that my punishment had not disappeared simply! 

If Jesus paid in my place, then all this guilt, all this tightening in the heart, this whole weight I carried, every bad thing that was taken away from me was placed in Jesus´s heart and soul!

When He was on that cross all my fault and not only mine, but every people´s fault had been placed in the heart of one man! Can you imagine? A man alone, receiving every kind of guilt, sorrow, pain, bad feelings in just one heart?

And Jesus had something different from us.

I know what is to feel guilty. You know what it is to feel guilty. A very young child already knows what is to feel guilty. But Jesus did not know!

Jesus was 33 years old and had never ever sinned! He had never felt guilty! 

And suddenly the entire blame for the world exploded in his heart, his innocent and pure heart! And this was much worse than the nails and the crown of thorns!

I told you all this things because it is crucial that you understand this: the punishment of our sin was TAKEN AWAY FROM US AND PLACED IN HIM! Jesus took each punishment in our place, as OUR SUBSTITUTE.

And what you will read right now is exactly what Sabrina´s mother heard at the phone that night. When she heard what you will read now, she just believed and her daughter was healed!

You will now read what Victoria´s mother heard when God made a new cornea for her! 

Jesus died with nails in his hands and feet. Jesus died with His heart full of guilt and the wickedness of this world.

But if you go to Matthew 8:17 It is written:

Jesus took upon himself our infirmities and bore our diseases!

Do you realize what I am saying? It was not only the sin that Jesus received in our place! He received our diseases also!

Jesus on that cross became ill since the wire of hair until the soles of the feet! 

Jesus on that cross had AIDS, cancer in the whole body, He was blind, deaf, dumb, a leper, diabetic, had heart problems, respiratory, renal... all diseases!

The Bible says that He was so destroyed that He did not look like an human being!

The Bible says that "He took upon himself OUR infirmities". Not only the ones that medicine can heal! Not only the diseases of whom who is following this or that religion! It is written OUR infirmities! It includes yours!

Do you know exactly what Sabrina´s mother spoke to me that night?

"So you're saying that Jesus on that Cross had lung cancer and complete bankruptcy of organs in my daughter´s place? I believe it! It is written! And now His sacrifice will not be in vain because she receives it and by His stripes she is healed!".  And the cancer disappeared!

Victoria´s mother said the same thing: "Then Jesus took this disease in His left eye in my daughter´s place? Then she does not need to have it anymore!" And God made a new cornea to Victoria´s eye!

I believe you have already understood what I am telling you!

What Jesus did on that cross for YOU? Yes, He had this very disease you need to be healed in His own body and He did it because He loved you to the point of dying in your place. He did it!

And I tell you that His sacrifice will not be in vain! He died because He wanted you to live!

As it is written, He took it upon himself and BORE this ugly disease! By his stripes YOU ARE NOW HEALED!

God has the power to heal you. God wanted you to heal today. Why today? Because He had already done it, 2000 years ago! And now, as you direct your faith to the Cross, you receive your miracle of healing!

How much did your healing cost to God? The highest price: the life of Jesus, His own son!

God also made a big sacrifice that day! He saw His son dying in order to see you living now! 

If you are reading this and seeking for the healing of your son or daughter, you have to understand that God saw Jesus, His son, dying and this was the price He paid to give you the happiness of seeing your son or daughter healed and alive.

This is the unconditional love of a father! Your father! And at the same time, your son´s or daughter´s father!

And I tell you more... Jesus died of this disease and after that, to resurrect Him, God has already healed this disease once, in Jesus body!

You are free! He has raised! He is alive! Because He lives, you have life!

What do you need to do now? We have nothing more to ask! But we have a lot to thank Him for! We cannot be ungrateful!

Now our prayer will be just to say “thank you Jesus”!

But first we want Jesus to be in the room where you are now, to personally receive your gratitude! Where is Jesus right now?

Jesus is at your door right now! He is waiting for an invitation to enter!

The disease did not respect your free will! One day it invaded your home, your life, your body, the one you love´s body. But Jesus is gentle and polite, He does not enter without being invited, He will never invade your life.

He says "Behold I am at your door and knock. If you listen to my voice and invite Me I will come and dine with you. And you with Me".

Do you want to invite Jesus to enter now, to personally receive your gratitude and heal you and/or someone you love?

Will you allow me to lead you in this prayer?

You just need to say it in a loud voice, if possible, with all the sincerity of your heart:







And now, look for any signal, some sign of improvement. A pain that stopped, a movement that you could not do before and now you can do it.

You are healed, because it is written in the Bible, the word of God, that we can also name as our Daddy´s documented will!

The word of God enters in our hearts as a seed and there it becomes a great tree of many fruits.

First the seed grows within the earth, at first, we see nothing, but we only need to know that the seed "works".

Then a very small plant  appears, a small sign of healing, a pain that stopped, a movement that returns without causing any pain... 

And this small plant grows up to be a large tree, your complete healing, confirmed by Science, by your doctor, if you do have one. After that, will come the fruits, your testimony, helping the next person who needs healing.  

But we want that seed to grow faster, right? And there is something we can do... irrigate the seed! 


With gratitude!

We have nothing more to ask for, but we have a lot to thank Jesus for!

I have said the following to the people: when the physician confirms your healing, everyone will believe. But the kind of faith that accesses the miracle is believing NOW! Believing in the word of God, not in circumstances!

You are healed!

My faith is added to your faith!

My gratitude is added to your gratitude!

Just as His love for you is complete I declare that your healing is also complete, in the name of Jesus! 

Receive the perfect medication: the blood of Jesus!

And Jesus is now blessing you and your entire family!

Evangelist Joao Marcelo
São Paulo – SP - Brazil

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